What Is A Heart Attack?

A heart attack occurs when the blood flow to the heart is severely reduced or completely blocked. The main cause of this blockage is due to high cholesterol and fat.
Symptoms Of A Heart Attack?
Symptoms of a heart attack vary from person to person as some have mild symptoms, severe symptoms or no symptoms at all.
Here are some common symptoms of a heart attack.
Chest pain that may feel like pressure, tightness, pain, squeezing or aching
Pain or discomfort that spreads to the shoulder, arm, back, neck, jaw, teeth or sometimes the upper belly
Cold sweats
Shortness of breath
Heartburn or indigestion
Lightheadedness or sudden dizziness
Immediate treatment is needed for a heart attack to prevent death. Call 911 or emergency medical help if you think you might be having a heart attack.
How Can I Prevent From Having A Heart Attack?
Exercising, eating accordingly, maintaining a healthy weight, limiting your amount of smoking and drinking, managing your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugars are all crucial to preventing a heart attack.
Tucson Clinica Medica Familiar is a family medicine practice focused on providing high-quality care to patients of all ages! We specialize in family practice, pediatrician and geriatrics, Tucson Clinica Medica Familiar team works closely with each patient to develop personalized care plans aimed at promoting health and wellness.
We accept most health insurance, and also those without health insurance.
Call us at 520-620-1200 to learn more about us today. Or visit our website www.tucsonclinicamedicafamiliar.com